Agriculture can be defined as the systematic and controlled use of living organisms and the environment to improve the human condition.
Agriculture is a latin word in which :- agri means : field
- culture means: cultivation
cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock.
Agriculture is the very basis ofcivilization. It is the food
we eat, the clothing we wear, the material of our homes,
the gardens around us, and many of our traditions and
Agriculture is the science, art and occupation of
cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock.
Agriculture is the very basis ofcivilization. It is the food
we eat, the clothing we wear, the material of our homes,
the gardens around us, and many of our traditions and
The term also includes the financing, processing,
marketing, and distribution of agricultural products; farm
production supply and service industries; health, nutrition
and food consumption; the use and conservation of land
and water resources; development and maintenance of
recreational resources; and related economic,
characteristics of the food and fiber system.
The termalso includes the financing, processing,
marketing, and distribution of agricultural products; farm
production supply and service industries; health, nutrition
and food consumption; the use and conservation of land
and water resources; development and maintenance of
recreational resources; and related economic,
sociological, political, environmental and cultural
characteristics of the food and fiber system.
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